The Longest Dinosaurs

You should always be careful not to stand at the starting line of a dinosaur foot-race.


10 Responses to “The Longest Dinosaurs”

  1. Firman says:

    It's where you stand when you want to win.

    Or when you don't want to smell the other ends of all those dinosaurs.

  2. HunterJE says:

    Is it bad that I immediately recognized that illustration from the "Largest organisms" wikipedia page?

  3. Richard Wade says:

    That guy looks exactly like the guy on the plaque on the Voyager spacecraft. Has he made it back with some puppies that followed him home? And where's his girlfriend? Deep space travel must be tough on relationships.

  4. Richard Wade says:

    LOLOLOL good one :D

  5. G Scott Lyman says:

    They drifted apart…

  6. Garrett says:

    diplodocus carnegii is cooler…

  7. Maxer says:

    Where's the dumb one? THIS DINOSAUR IS DUMB

  8. Shyamalan says:

    Is that dinosaur called sauro-freakin'-POSEIDON?! That's awesome!

  9. Joey says:

    LOL Maxer :P

    "I'm sorry, ma'am. Your child is dumb."


    "And you're bald!" *points finger*
